Friday, February 27, 2009

osama's son

Osama's Son Scandal

One day while I was surfing the internet....I saw something very i will share it with you all...
Osama's Child

I can not believe it that Osama's Son is a Sunsilk model....he helps sunsilk do to advertisment ..and also James Bond 2 in 1 really unbeliveable...

See the differents? and I also found out the story about him,from some blog call ... ...

Heres how the story gose :-

One day..while he was walking by the street...the Moon Guy pass by him and stoped him...and then...tell him that his hair is the Moon Guy introduce him to use the product name "Sunsilk" so he listen to the Moon Guy and bought a bottle of Sunsilk shampoo...after using it,he felt very refreshing and the feel of virgin hair is he went to show off his virgin hair at Taman Desa...suddenly a woman saw his beautiful virgin hair and start going towards him...she asked him to help her advertise a product name Rejoyce... but he refuse..because he felt sorry that he is not advertising for the right he recommand the old women that he wants to advertise for Sunsilk...and the woman told him that she is under JamesBond and she ask him if he agrees that he advertise for 2 in 1 advertisment...and he accept the deal with just a snap of his finger...The next day he went to the company and take photos...He have to pose like JamesBond and show his virgin hair...Not long later , this advertisement come out and alot of reportes ask him whats the secret to get this silky,shiny and beutiful hair?? He just answer with a word...Sunsilk and giving his famouse JamesBond pose ... The thing is... no body knows that he is drunk while taking this picture...This advertisment has been ban after a few month because...alot of people die of laughing ... and some pretty girls got jelouse of his virgin hair...they went commite suicide...what a waste....Thats how this story ends...

*P/S* for those pretty girls who is jelouse of his hair, please dont commite suicide me..dont watse your life no better to wastes your life with me...I can make your life more exciting ... xD


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