Valentine Special 2
He has made a final decision , He has invited the girl to his house to celebrate his birthday on his birthday party...The boy though of suprising her with something special in his birthday...So,now every one of his invited friends has reach... but not the girl...he felt very down...and very emo...but he knows that anyhow the party have to go on... so he continue waitting and waitting and waitting for the arrival of his dream girl...but still there is no sgin of her...Now, is the time to cut the this moment all the guest is singing the birthday song to him....and he just hopes that the one singing the birthday song for him is his dream girl...So here comes the wish making time...He close his eyes and wish that the girl is infront of him and wish that she will be his girlfriend soon...and he also wish for a bigger penis(Added)...While he open his eyes...the first thing he saw is a pair of Boobs...and he look further and saw his dream girl !!! he tought that the 1st wish came he tought maybe the 2nd wish will come true he quickly go under the table and grab his suprise flower and knee down infront of her and ask " Will You Be My Girl Friend?" while holding a bunch of flowers in his hand...
The girl was so touch and she agree immediately ... So while he was dating with her the 2nd day...suddenly... something pops up of his mind...*my 1st and 2nd wish came true...Will my 3rd wish come true to impress her????*
Months and months has pass...and their relationship is still perfect...and he keeps thinking that when will his 3rd wish come day he realise that his penis got bigger...and he planning to impress her with pleasure that he send her a short massage and said *Baby Chin 8 * * Winks* ...
Not long later...while he is preparing for a sweet romantic and horny surrounding ... the phone rang...^Xi suo suo Xi suo suo ~~Wut Wut^ and he pick up...her first word was..."lets break up..I have no feel with you anymore...lets not meet up anymore"*hang up* * dududu...*..he cant even say a single word...he felt so emo that time... he nearly killed him self that day...but he knows that dying for a girl is not worth it he went to a pub and ordered a 7 Terquilla...he kept drinking and drinking and drinking...until he gets drunk...while he was floting home...he say his ex-girlfriend and DUCKMAN !!! hugging,kissing and holding hands together near the pub..He got so mad and turn GREEN !!! and shouted " GRRRRR IMA DA HULK !!! " he ran to Duckman and give Duckman a Green punch ~~Duckman did not fight back...and responed with his Invisibility skill...( shuk chun ) and grab his girlfriend's arm and ran off...he felt so emo and turn human again...he was so !@#% pissed off , he went back to the club and get a bottle of vodka and drank it just like this... THE WHOLE BOTTLE ?!?!?! Finally he got so drunk and fall at the middle of the road...
A drunk driver was speeding and did not notice him and....(imgagine your self)
And now we pray in the memories of "HIM" that he died on 25/12/85 ...Amen...
The End
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