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Last post I said something about Lok is M.I.A ... I did give some hint on that question...
I said Lok went back to the moon...All you have to add in is just..." Lok went back to the moon to visit his father " if you all read about Lok's Introduce post you all for sure to know "WHY"
I think im too rusty for this Cafe' I cant talk cock no more...but my grandma can...
Here are some few examples of Profesional + Senior Cocking
Me:Yoh...I dont feel like eating rice today
Grandma:Dont eat rice arr? you know when we were young we have no rice to eat arr.(Talk Cock)
Me:Proton Cars arr??
Grandma:When we were young arr we dont have proton cars also la...( ==" )
Me:* Listening to music with high volume *
Grandma: Listen song arr?? when we were young we dont have song to listen arr...
Me:*Sleeping with my aircond on*
Grandma:*slap my face*
Me:*Wakes up* W.T.F ?!?!
Grandma: Sleeping with aircond arr??when we were young we dont have aircond arr..Fan also dont have...
Me:*Watching TV*
Grandma: Watch TV arr?? When we were young...Our Tv is the toilet bowl...
Me:*Going for hair cut*
Grandma: Hair cut arr?? why pay people to cut your hair arr?? Your grandmama is a professional hair stylist arr..I cut for you..
Me:==" Oooh...
Grandma: Gao Dim arr...
Me: ....

So now you know...Who is the Professional Talk c0cker ....
Last post I said something about Lok is M.I.A ... I did give some hint on that question...
I said Lok went back to the moon...All you have to add in is just..." Lok went back to the moon to visit his father " if you all read about Lok's Introduce post you all for sure to know "WHY"
I think im too rusty for this Cafe' I cant talk cock no more...but my grandma can...
Here are some few examples of Profesional + Senior Cocking
Me:Yoh...I dont feel like eating rice today
Grandma:Dont eat rice arr? you know when we were young we have no rice to eat arr.(Talk Cock)
Me:Proton Cars arr??
Grandma:When we were young arr we dont have proton cars also la...( ==" )
Me:* Listening to music with high volume *
Grandma: Listen song arr?? when we were young we dont have song to listen arr...
Me:*Sleeping with my aircond on*
Grandma:*slap my face*
Me:*Wakes up* W.T.F ?!?!
Grandma: Sleeping with aircond arr??when we were young we dont have aircond arr..Fan also dont have...
Me:*Watching TV*
Grandma: Watch TV arr?? When we were young...Our Tv is the toilet bowl...
Me:*Going for hair cut*
Grandma: Hair cut arr?? why pay people to cut your hair arr?? Your grandmama is a professional hair stylist arr..I cut for you..
Me:==" Oooh...
Grandma: Gao Dim arr...
Me: ....

So now you know...Who is the Professional Talk c0cker ....