Since today is a full moon day(I think so) I will talk about Terminator 4.
Last week while I was driving around Sri Petaling,I saw a "Terminator Wanna Be" guy doing his terminator moves I just pass by him with a weird stare..Then I found a parking and park there...and I get down from my car.After I lock my car...I saw 2 more idiot doing their Terminator Moves...@@ so total is 3 now...
I just felt like there is something wrong when I was walking to a Mamak Store...Like something is going to happen...something eyes are twitching too...Bad signal...When I was ordering my food,I felt the wind blowing towards me...It was chilling and it gives me the creep.
I saw 4 Terminator's Army walking in the mamak with style...They even walk in slow motion .=D I was like WTF !?!? "Hou Lan Yeng Arr!!!"
*Ahem* As I was saying, This 4 Terminator dude sits beside my table with steady and stif pose.
Even the Mamak dude was like =O.
Time pass every minutes and seconds...Those Terminator dude did not move at all...and they are remaining in their cool poses...When my Maggi Curry Soup came...I started eatting...and they are still not moving...
After some of the dude moves his hand...I was so suprise that one of them move...and Im curious that what he is going to do,It end up the guy with red shirt just wanna dig his nose...I stare at them for a very long time (5 minutes) after my meal.
My mind was like..F&*@ it...When I tried to raise my hand...suddenly I felt someone was catching exprestion was like WTF?!?!(again)
Then all of them moves to my table...I almost peed in my pants that moment...and one of them started to talk to me..the first word he said was...."Do you think we're cool? scary? or retard?"
I wanted to answer *Retard* but I was I answerd *Cool*...
They respond with a smile and started talking about their sunglasses. =="
Fucked Up Salesman !!!!
Hey but the sunglasses are cool mate...they have build in MP3 with it...If anyone is intrested can contact me...xD They are quite cheap too... Limited Stock only...

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