So let me re-introduce all the member again...

Left dude with glasses and cibet face:-
Duty in blog: Stone and write something stupid that no body bother to read *Wink*
Left dude with pink shirt and brown hair:-
Duty in blog: Emo and write something emo-ish~
Middle dude showing peace V(*-*)V:-
Name:Ken Ken Mmm~
Duty in blog: Act cute and never post anything on blog due to English problems
Right dude that is trying to kill someone:-
Name:H(me) =D
Duty in blog: Talk cock Blow cock Emo cock,He does everything =D
Right dude with white shirt:-
Name:Marcus a.k.a H4yat3
Duty in blog: Spot Shemale and post on my blog...I don't know why he like shemale so much..ask him
Middle dude almost being killed by me:-
Name:Gou lou
Duty in blog: Write stupid things and talk about Ken Ken's Life and he only talks about Sex and Fights (Y)
They are my good brothers and We love each other like chili and raw egg with some lime~(Y)
But today I feel like talking bad about them here...
So lets start from Nickx, He is a professional in "Kiam Siap-Ness"(stingy) because I can bet that other then his father,there is no one that I've seen is as "Kiam Siap" as him.Do you readers out there have brothers or sisters(friends) as close as us ? I guess everyone have good friends,Do you guys ever ask back for a 10sen from your good friends? 10sen !! ==" ohh noo...
Now lets talk about Lzai , He .......... yea ..... Dotz dotz dotz .... He seldom talks,but he got better at talking about life and cock's right after he came back from Sabah ~He like forcing people to tell him about his attitude because no body can give him the answer he wants...
Jeng Jeng Jeng...Now the time have come talking about KenKen who loves to ask people how handsome and cute he is compare to who ever he can think of,he is a guy who cant live without girls...he have 10 girlfriend at once ~ woohoo ~ awesome , imagine every week or even 2 - 3 days I can see a different girl's face =="
And now !! about Marcus,noting much to talk about him...he is not as "kiam siap" as Nickx, Not as Emo as Lzai , not as Desprate as Ken Ken , Not as Handsome as Me =) , Not as tall as Gou lou ,
Neh...I only know, he is a good loving guy =D very social-able dude with cute hamster face(quote by G and Bianca )
Talking about Gou lou...Tall dude with fish lips and never ending sex stories with a cute attitude,what can I say? Tall dude fish lips and never ending sex stories ==" this sentence point outs everything about him ...So I guess I don't know how to describe him anymore....

Here is Gou lou with his Kitty T-shirt, Lzai and Brenda in Butterfly shirt,She thinks she can fly.
Lets talk about Brenda,since Gou lou's description is so short, That day Gou lou almost got heart attack talking on phone with Brenda,Here is the conversation
Goulou: *Calling Brenda*
Brenda: *Picks up* Hello?
Goulou: Hello! Brenda Arr !! Gou Lou Arr ~
Brenda: Har?
Goulou: Gou lou Arr...
Brenda: Har?
Goulou: Im Gou lou ARR!!
Brenda: Im not Gou lou la...
Goulou: Mahai..Im Gou lou la !!
Brenda: Oh ... bye bye
Goulou: Ngor dou mei gong yea ==" (I haven't even say what I wanna say yet)
Stress having bunch of friends like that...some times you will have the 10 years without sleep and 7days without a job with the fucked up stress face with a ciggy hanging in your mouth...

Tell me ...who will never stress when you have friends like that (Gou Lou) When you open your eyes right after your sleep and saw him doing this pose in front of you.

Introducing the Miss.Potato(left)and Malao Jingz(right)I dint know Monkey and Potato have so much incomment that they can talk alot and laugh at their self for no reason I guess....LOL !!! I cant stop laughing at this Potato ....Shitazzz....oh yea ~ talking about this Malao Jingz...her name is G ! as I mention she is the one who name Marcus , Hamster ! pity Marcus ~
This picture is dedicated to those students who is starting school tomorrow,Dont be is a nice place , you all can eat the shitty food in the canteen and wear the shitty school uniforms and let me laugh when I see you by the roadside ~

Ohhhhh~~ Dont Emo la Kidz....Ahahaha...Gou lou will pray for you all for those who is in school.

Gou Lou : Oh Jusus,Jusus why must you torture kids like that in school jusus?why are you giving them shitty food from the canteen and shitty uniform with a fugly name tag on it to let them suffer in school,Jusus ~ I love what your doing now...Amen~
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